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Writer's pictureEmily Taggart


Would you think that you would never be able to be completely ready to have children? I thought of this question this week, this world is completely different then 10 years ago even 5 years. It not only is stressful raising a child in the world but also making sure you are the right parent and good enough for them. One of the topics this week that stood out was learning and being okay with how your kids act. Men and women are created differently, women tend to be more nurturing and men tend to be more of a provider. We need to embrace and honor those differences. We may see this in our children in boys ages 2-4 they communicate 60% in words and 40% in sounds. They are more interested in facts. Girls ages 2-4 communicate only in words. Girls this age and later are interested in exploring relationships and the relationships with certain things. Understanding both needs in men and women is also crucial. Guys number one emotional need is being needed or loved. A woman's number one emotional need is being cherished, center of someones world. Both genders is built differently, it is proven by studies. This doesn't mean we can't have equality because equality is not sameness. We both can be equal but doesn't mean we have to be completely the same. Both men and women need to be looked as both valuable and appreciate both roles they play. I feel like I said before this is very important to understand, that your children may act a certain way because that is their chemistry. Also if they do not, that's okay too. We need to understand that they may also have spiritual experiences. They are very close to Heavenly Father as children and if they do, not to be surprised but to be thankful. I remember as a child I remember the first spiritual experience I had but when I told people they didn't believe me. I remember it to this day but know that one day my children might have the same experience which makes me so excited. Overall, there is so much more to having children and being able to raise children to have them succeed. It isn't an easy job and I am so thankful for the mothers and fathers who put the time into raising their kids. It is such an important job and should be on the top priority for all of us.

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